The Story of Chaos...
Chaos Publications is a small, indie publishing house run and operated by a very tiny, sassy Latina with too much energy and not enough time. We are dedicated to helping self-publishing authors get their works ready for publication and distribution. We are the creators of worlds, writers of prose, and manipulators of the written word. We are the tamers of cHaOs.
Coming Soon!
Krista Cagg
Krista has come full circle in her life. Born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania, she moved to Savannah, GA after she graduated from art school in New Jersey. From there she moved to Olympia, WA…then back to Savannah, and ultimately
back to Pennsylvania. She lives near her father with her husband and four furry demons (cats). For fun, she cultivates her squirrel army in the backyard.
As an active pagan for many decades, Krista has come to understand that there is more to our natural world than meets the common senses. She lived with ghosts in Savannah. Seen things in the thick forests of the Pacific Northwest. Investigated hauntings in Pennsylvania. There may never be a time when Krista doesn’t look for the undiscovered.
Brienne Leigh Carter
Brienne Lee Carter – or Bree, for the reader in a hurry – is a lifelong writer and aspiring novelist. Voted “Most Likely to Become the Next Bestselling Author” by her 8th grade class, she loves writing whatever comes to her mind. There’s a special place in her heart, however, for the tales of the fantastical and the absurd.
Her works have previously appeared in various online forums, as well as in the anthology Obscura and in the published Voltron fan zine Orion.
When not creating impossible worlds, Brienne is a wrangler of chaos both at her day job as a middle school teacher and at home as a mom of two rescue cats. She’s an avid tabletop gamer, a collector of dolls and Funko Pops, a lover of the annual Renaissance festival, and a master of plush doll making.
Cathryn Leigh
Peace Forgotten is Cathryn’s third novel, which will be followed by one more to wrap up the series.
When she's not writing and publishing her stories, Cathryn manages the quality aspects of a clinical laboratory by day and her husband, two children, and pets by night. Over the course of the years she’s used her free time to learn to ride a motorcycle, earn her black belt in karate with her eldest child, and travel the world with her family. Along with these epic endeavors, she experiments with yarn, fabric, and, of course, words.
Noa Rose
Noa Rose is a housewife, mother, and insane emotional stress baker during the day while moonlighting as an author of the intimate and divine. Currently, her works are few, sometimes saucy, sometimes cute, but always sweet. She shares her office with a few different decorative skulls to remind her of her wicked side, way too many Eeyore stuffies, and three cats.
Michelle Schad
From a young age, there have been voices inside of Michelle’s head. No, not those kinds of voices – or, maybe they are; who really knows? Rather than fear those voices, Michelle wrangled them like wild mustangs on the prairie. Well, what does that mean?
It means that Michelle has been writing stories of the fantastic, the horrific, and the mysterious for as long as her little fingers have been able to hold a pen and probably longer, but memory only goes back so far. In a world that passes for ‘normal’, she is all of the ‘normal’ things one might expect: mother, wife, keeper of fur-babies. She is also a student of life, meaning if there is something to learn, she will learn it, thus making her a veritable font of only partially useful knowledge.
While wielding the unwieldiness of words is her primary function, she is also an avid crafter, collector of “creepy” ball-jointed dolls, and can run through a Target in under an hour with only two extra items from her intended list.
Where to Find Us
Upcoming engagements and events
April 24 - 26, 2024
Williamsburg, VA
august 3, 2024
Sykesville Firehall Fundraiser Ren Fest
Sykesville, MD
Williamsburg, VA
RavenCon 2025
Richmond, VA
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